Book Review: Adventures and Adversities

About the Book: 
"One day Alditha is content living with her family, the next she is taking her friend's place to serve at the king's castle. Her father's final instructions, to keep smiling and to do what is right, will be harder to live out than she ever imagined. She will face a royal nephew who delights in making people miserable, and angry servant girl who will stop at nothing to get what she wants, and noblemen who plot murder. Will she be able to keep the promise she made to her father? will she find the faith she longs for during all her Adventures and Adversities"?
What I Liked: Adventures was a sweet story to allow myself to be swept away to. Reading it reminded me of watching a Narnia movie, as it is set in the medieval period and contains castle sieges and battles out at sea :D There were so many small-yet-profound lessons to be gleaned from Alditha and William's story- mainly around our perception of God vs how He really is, and also not allowing hardship to harden you, embitter you. I loved the main characters determination to do right, and to always endeavor to see the bright side of things (something I could learn a lesson or two from ;)

What I Didn't Like: At several parts throughout the story, I found myself, while always ennoying it and not getting bored, wondering exactly what the plot was, or what it was leading up to. I think I kept waiting for this big build up to a climax or big main problem Alditha would have to overcome....when in reality, instead of one big mountian, the obstacles came in little hills and valleys for our characters (yes the last one is a little bigger ;). They do however round off nicely at the end. This book would make a great tv mini-series lol. 

Favorite Quote: There were so many great lines, little nuggets of well-worded wisdom, burried throughout this entire story, that it is hard to pick just one; one that is repeated several times in the book that I enjoyed was, "Whatever you do...wherever you go, trust God, and never stop smiling. Your life will be hard, and bitterness will be the easiest thing for you to feel. Remember that you serve a God who knew that this would happen before you were born." 

Final Thoughts: Remember my review last week on Sarah's short story "Admirable"? Admirable was a prequel to Adventures & Adversities, and had me very eager to read it and the rest of the series...... It did NOT disappoint!!

Purchase Link:  


  1. Great review! I've been enjoying the Tales of Taelis series too. You know, I hadn't thought to liken scenes in this book to Narnia scenes before, but now that you said that, it makes perfect sense. Both stories have their similarities to each other.


    1. Thanks! I seriously would love to see a little mini-series done on this book alone! So many stories within one and such a awesome ride to take with Alditha and Will!
      Are you doing Sara's reading challenge? I have read all the Taelis stories now and feel like a LIVE there now lol


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